Fix Epson L4150, L4160 error Waste Ink Pad Counter is Full
1. Turn on the printer and connect the USB cable
2. Download Adjustment Program Epson L4150, L4160
3. Extract file
4. Open Adjprog.exe
Create License Key
This software can not be run without a license key, here is How to Create License Key.
1. Open AdjProg.exe
2. Show Hardware ID. Press Ctrl+C to copy Hardware ID
3. Open Notepad and paste Hardware ID to Notepad
4. Open Keygen folden and double click WLGen_L4150 L4160 RSTFULL
5. License Manager
6. Add License
7. Type Customer name. Example: you
8. Type Company name. Example: home
9. Type Hardware ID
10. Click SAVE
11. Click Create License Key
12. Click OK to create License Key. Now your keys successfully generated.
13. Open folder license key and copy all files
14. Paste all files to folder AdjProg.
15. Open AdjProg.exe and now the Adjustment program has been registered.
Reset Waste Ink Pad Counter
(1) Open SELECT
(2) Model Name: L4150 or L4160
(3) PORT ?select USB port Epson L4150 or L4160 (don抰 use Auto selection) ?OK
(4) Particular Adjustment Mode
(5) Waste Ink Pad Counter - OK
(6) Give checkbox: Main Pad Counter, Platen Pad Counter
(7) Click Check ?OK
(8) Click Initialization ?OK
After all required adjustments are completed, use the 揊inal check pattern print?function to print all adjustment patterns for a final check. If you find a problem with the printout patterns, carry out the adjustment again and run 揅leaning/Ink Charge?
(10) Final Check Pattern Print ?OK
(11) Load paper ?PRINT
(12) FINISH. Turn off the printer and then turn on. Printer ready to use.